The Hidden Costs of an IT Outage

NIST Protection against an IT Outage

Are you prepared for an unexpected IT outage? For UK businesses, the impact of downtime can be devastating.

In guide, we will explore the true cost of IT outages and why having strong response and recovery strategies is crucial for your business continuity.

Understanding the Impact of IT Outages on UK Businesses

When your IT systems go down, the consequences can be far-reaching:

  • Lost productivity
  • Missed sales opportunities
  • Damaged customer relationships
  • Potential data loss

According to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the average cost of a cyber incident for UK small businesses is £8,170, while for medium and large businesses, this figure soars to £13,400.

The Staggering Cost of an IT Outage

Research reveals alarming statistics about IT outage costs:

  • Large enterprises can lose over £5,000 per minute
  • Small businesses may face losses exceeding £400 per minute
  • 98% of organisations report costs of over £80,000 for just one hour of downtime

These figures underscore the critical need for effective IT outage response and recovery plans.

Bondgate IT’s Approach to Cybersecurity Resilience

At Bondgate IT, we champion a structured approach to cybersecurity using the NIST framework:

  1. Identify
  2. Protect
  3. Detect
  4. Respond
  5. Recover
NIST Framework - Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover. IT Outage
NIST Framework – Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover.

Garry Brown, Managing Director of Bondgate IT, emphasises, “Given current risks and often tight budgets, it’s crucial to focus on the respond and recover stages of the framework.”

Why Response and Recovery Matter

When facing a cyber incident or IT outage, time is of the essence. A well-executed response can significantly mitigate damage and reduce downtime. This requires:

  • A comprehensive incident response plan
  • Clear assignment of responsibilities
  • Stakeholder awareness and training

“Many organisations place great emphasis on prevention but undervalue the importance of response and recovery,” Garry notes. “These phases truly test your organisation’s resilience.”

5 Steps to Enhance Your IT Outage Resilience

  1. Develop a Comprehensive Incident Response Plan: Outline clear procedures for various outage scenarios.
  2. Invest in Robust Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions: Ensure quick data restoration capabilities.
  3. Conduct Regular Testing and Drills: Identify weaknesses in your response strategy before a real incident occurs.
  4. Prioritise Employee Training: Ensure all staff understand their roles during an IT outage.
  5. Implement Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update your strategies based on new threats and insights.

The Benefits of Managed IT Services for IT Outage Prevention and Recovery

For many UK businesses, especially those with limited IT resources, partnering with a managed service provider like Bondgate IT can significantly enhance outage response and recovery capabilities. We offer:

  • 24/7 system monitoring
  • Expert incident response teams
  • Advanced recovery solutions

“Managed services provide expertise and resources that many organisations struggle to maintain independently,” explains Brown. “This support is especially beneficial in the critical respond and recover phases of an IT outage.”

Building True IT Resilience for Your UK Business

As cyber threats evolve, UK businesses must adapt their strategies to include not only prevention but also robust response and recovery capabilities.

By focusing on these essential stages of the NIST framework, your business can significantly mitigate the impact of IT outages and demonstrate true digital resilience.

Don’t wait until after you’ve incurred the cost of downtime to implement preventative measures.

Contact Bondgate IT today to schedule a consultation about your technology needs and ensure your business stays ahead in the digital landscape.
